Sep 10, 2023
Dr Marie Oldfield the Director of Oldfield Consultancy has developed, alongside the Institute of Science and Technology AI Special Interest group, an interdisciplinary professional accreditation for professionals in AI and related modelling disciplines. Click to apply.
The founding committee consists of Philosophers, Computer Scientists, Academics, Military and Archeologists.The accreditation is available for entry level students to advanced practitioners.
During the production of academic papers it was noted that lack of respect for the profession, issues hiring or verifying what skills applicant had or were needed for the job and a general lack of leadership meant that professions in AI related disciplines were not being served by any profession body. In addition disciplines such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, geography etc were not being valued in the creating of robust and ethical AI. Without a relevant set of experts in the room robust and ethical AI cannot be created and negative societal and personal impact is an extremely high risk; in many cases it has been seen to play out in reality.
The Institute of Science and Technology has picked up the baton to help practitioners globally.
A new, global, profession accreditation, the only one of it’s kind, has been developed in conjunction with the Institute of Science and Technology AI Special Interest group.
An high level interdisciplinary steering group consisting of academia, government and industry approved this in September 2023.
The Institute of Science and Technology will also accredit degrees with a significant component of interdisciplinary AI teaching and content. Please contact the Institute of Science and Technology for more details.
Applicants can join at Student/Entry level (RTechAI), Mid Career Level (RPAI) or Advanced Level (APAI). Advanced level has been aligned with chartered professional levels. Applicants must be involved with AI development or modelling but can come from any discipline, not just computer science.
Click to read a blog at the Institute of Science and Technology